To every "dis-ease", disorder, or dysregulation, there exists underlying subconscious, emotional or subtle energetic components. Holistic and energy medicine practitioners work in these subtle fields using gentle, non-invasive holistic healing modalities and practices to support positive energetic shifts which support the natural healing processes of the body, mind, soul and spirit. The shifting of internal energetic patterns can help relieve sub-conscious stress, open up energetic flow, recalibrate old blueprints, lighten the emotional, energetic load, remove blocks and integrate wounded aspects, creating space for greater inner freedom, clarity, and direction. As we remove distortions from our energetic field (commonly recognized as repeating patterns or experiences) and come into wholeness, our soul's pure light can shine more clearly and our life can transform.
I have studied and worked with a variety of holistic healing modalities, and have become a certified practitioner for facilitating Compassion Key sessions. These sessions are facilitated remotely via Zoom. The process provides both structure and support. It is a facilitated self-directed and gently guided session designed to release that which no longer serves your highest good, thereby accelerating your personal growth and wellbeing.
During a session which lasts from 60-75 minutes, you will be supported in identifying, exploring, reframing and releasing underlying issues that have prevented you from moving forward in your life as you desire. These sessions are facilitated without judgment, in a way that validates with compassion and deep understanding of the human condition.
Session Cost: $111 (Package of 3 sessions over 2 months $297)
TESTIMONIAL I recently had a session with Sally for the Compassion Key healing, and I must say it was a truly transformative experience. Sally's level of care and understanding was exceptional. I felt supported, grounded, and heard throughout the entire process. She was able to connect with me and my higher self in a very compassionate way while being very insightful on facilitating healing in the wounds (recent wounds) that I needed the most. She helped me see my situation from a fresher perspective and open up my mind to new ways to appreciate what it is and surrender to trust. I highly recommend Sally to anyone seeking Compassion Key healing. Celia (Florida)